Why, hello there, my name is Steve Guo and I welcome you to my humble blog.

I subscribe to the mentality of strong opinions, weakly held, and I expect to be infrequently musing here about coding, gaming, and living. I want this blog to serve as a quick introspective snapshot of me, but also hope that it will serve as an accessible collection of reflections that might—both—help and brighten up someone’s day.

I identify as a web developer, but there are just so many interesting tracks that I can take, so take that with a grain of salt. To me, being in the field of software is akin to participating in the Red Queen’s race, penned by Lewis Carroll in Through the Looking-Glass, wherein “it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”

Regarding comments, I expect to be implementing Disqus integration in the near future, but currently you can’t really speak now, so forever hold your peace.

